Friday 14 October 2011

Google +1's Arrive on Display Ads

Google +1's have arrived on display ads according to Google. As we explained in our earlier preview of the addition of +1 buttons to display and mobile ads, user photos and recommendations will now appear on the ads themselves. If you are running ads in the Google Display Network, starting now you will start seeing +1 buttons and annotations on all your ads.

Now you can +1 your favorite ads and websites. Something pretty cool about the +1 on Google Display Network ads is when someone clicks the +1 button on any of your ads on any of the websites that your ad appear on, you’ll see that +1 show up your site.

So to break this down, if a million people +1 your website this will show up that a million people have +1'd your banner ad. Same if a million people click the +1 on your banner ads, those will show up on your site.

Ads will now have social power behind them. You will be able to see photographs of your friends and contacts at the bottom of the ads if they have +1'd the ad:

The +1 button and annotations should start showing up on all eligible inventory over the next couple weeks, according to Google. So if you don't see the +1 on your display ads today, you don't need to worry. They will be coming and you should see them in the next couple weeks.

The following ad types are work with the +1 button:

Animated GIF
Display Ad Builder ads
Select mobile inventory
DoubleClick Rich Media ads, on or off the Google Display Network
If you aren't running any ads in the Display Network, you can find several great articles on how to get started with the Google Display Network and getting +1 clicks in your ads.

Do you think having the +1 in all ads will help your ads out or hurt them? Will it kill the longevity of the ad or will it help keep it relevant over time? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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