Monday 17 October 2011

Google Promotes Online Safety With 'Good to Know' Campaign

Google is about to launch its first online safety campaign. Teaming with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), Google will promote “safe computer usage” for users: by logging out of computers when they're finished using them, specialized child protection, use of cookies in web browsers, and 'two-factor authorization' which sees the user entering a password and then a unique verification code sent to their mobile device.

Gillan Guy, the CAB's chief executive, said that “Information is a powerful tool for preventing problems from arising in the first and safety, personal data and identity theft are among the top concerns of people of using internet”.

Google's Communications and Policy Manager, Anthony House, said that “Everyone wants to stay safe online, but many people aren't confident that they know how to.” Rather than promoting a product, Google aims to better inform users of how to protect themselves against security concerns in online usage. The campaign will be known as “Good to Know”, and will be accompanied by the website

Most users are relatively clueless about how to best secure their computers and surf the net safely, not because they aren't interested in protection, but because technical geek lingo loses something in translation with the general public because the terminology is complicated. The advice is meant to be simple, useful, and educational.

Google & the Citizens Advice Bureau created a few tips to stay safe online:

  1. Always make sure to have a strong password. Try to always have a unique password to you that no one else will know. Using a long password will keep it safe. Try to always have a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols. Some people remember their password with a song or lyrics or a mixture of the two.
  2. When you get a suspicious email with personal information on it, go directly to the site: don't click on the link in the email. Unless you're expecting the email, it's probably not from them and is known as a "Phishing attack" that's trying to get your personal info and steal from you.
  3. Always look for 'https' in the URL. A website is running through a secure connection when it's through https. This will safeguard your emails, credit card numbers, and all other info from watching eyes.
  4. Just as you make sure not to leave your front door open, you need to make sure you're always signing out of your computer. Make sure to always sign out of social media accounts and all other accounts that you may have signed into.
  5. Try and only use safe networks that are secure. Internet cafes are nice but not always the safest place for you to be browsing the Internet.
  6. With all the apps out there, make sure that you always have the latest app. Make sure you trust all your apps and the sources your apps come from. Always lock and passcode lock your phone. Never store personal details on your phone because anyone could take it and have all your info.
  7. Two-step verification is a must if accounts offer it. This will make you or anyone else go through two different steps of verification to access your account – much like Facebook when you login. You have to login and then tell which computer you're logging in from, then it texts you. By doing this it will keep your account safe.

In a stunning report last week, Google's quarterly UK revenues of $1 billion surged 33 percent greater than previous reports, reaching a total of $9.7 billion or £6.2 billion.

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