Saturday 13 August 2011

Can Analytics Help Fix Your Love Life?

TheIcebreak is a newly launched online service that is supposed to help couples improve their relationships the old-fashioned way — separately, whilst staring at computer screens. Simply sign up for the service and enter in your relationship status, then invite your partner to join (however, the site appears to work if you join solo as well).

The site will then ask you to rate how satisfied you are with your partner in a variety of areas (those answers are private) and then serves up activities based on the answers you give, such as answering “Icebreaker Questions” (“What’s the biggest question you are asking yourself these days?”) and “Capturing Moments” to send to your love. Activities like these can garner you “Date Night Coins,” which you can use for deals in later iterations of the site.

TheIcebreak also features a handy analytics dashboard that shows your happiness over time, and how it compares to the relative bliss of other couples.

While we can understand the aim behind this site (and we’re actually down with getting points that equal IRL deals), the whole conceit of the site seems a little strange. Unless you’re in a long-distance relationship, “Icebreaker” questions should likely be asked face-to-face, and the idea of measuring your happiness against that of others goes against everything that a good psychologist would advise.

What do you think of TheIcebreak?

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