Friday 12 August 2011

Greater Manchester Police Names & Shames Rioters on Twitter

In the name of swift and public justice, the Greater Manchester Police has begun tweeting the identities of people convicted of criminal damage and disorder during riots this week in Manchester and Salford.

The department is also requesting the public’s help in identifying suspects via photos and videos posted to its website and Flickr account.

Wednesday, the Greater Manchester Police notified its Twitter followers that criminals were going through the courts and would soon be “named and shamed.” Thursday, the Twitter account began rattling off the names, births dates, addresses and sentences for those convicted.

“We promised we’d name all those convicted for their roles in the disorder – here we go …” the @gmpolice account tweeted.
At least 12 convicted of riot-related crimes have been shamed via Twitter so far. The department is also updating its Facebook Page.

The police force is seeing some push-back from Twitter followers who are questioning the decision to publicly out culprits.

“And are @gmpolice *really* tweeting the names of people convicted? And 8 months for stealing clothes? What f*cking century are we living in?” Manchester resident Julian Yon said in one of many tweets directed at the department’s Twitter account.

Some have rallied to defend the department. “@gmpolice ignore @julianyon you are doing a great job these thugs deserve to be out there after the trouble they have caused well done GMP,” @DaveWard121 tweeted.

Others are put off by the level of detail shared. “@gmpolice fully agree with naming and shaming those who did wrong but addresses is a step to far what if it causes more uproar in the towns,” @donnasheedy tweeted.
In an immediate response, Greater Manchester Police tweeted, “@donnasheedy legally bound to publish address and dates of birth so no-one of the same name can be misidentified as the culprit.”

The debate continues about the ethics of these Twitter tactics. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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