Friday 5 August 2011

YouTube Game - “Saved by the Bell”

YouTube maestros The Fine Brothers have created another 8-bit interactive YouTube game, this time targeting one of the most iconic Saturday morning sitcoms of all time: Saved by the Bell.

Following the “Choose Your Own Adventure” motif of previous Fine Bros. games for Twilight and Harry Potter, the interactive video series tasks viewers with figuring out the sordid underbelly that is the Palisades.

Just kidding. Actually, you play as perennial teen heartthrob Zack Morris and choose to help Kelly, Jessie or Screech in their moments of crisis. You know, those moments of crisis that are utterly unlike anything that actually happen in high school but seem so utterly believable when watching the show in elementary school?

The game is chock-full of references, characters and humor that will leave any SBTB superfan (like myself) laughing out loud.

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